Sunday, 30 October 2016

Community Discussion: How Much Video Do You Do?


We are hearing it from all sides – video is the new black. It’s where most of your audience are spending their time, and it’s one of the most successful (if not currently the most successful) content online.

Technology evangelist Brian Fanzo tells us that video is the future. If you’re not producing video on your blog and social channels, you are missing out.

However, through conversations with other bloggers (aka people who started a blog to write, not necessarily to be an online influencer jumping on each new trend to stay current), I’ve noticed that people aren’t experimenting with video if that’s not their passion and that’s not what they started blogging to do.

So it seems bloggers are divided. Yes video gets eyeballs but if you don’t love it and it’s not what your current audience wants, do you bother with it at all?

I’m interested in what the audience here at ProBlogger does, and is considering doing in the future. Will you be leveraging video for traffic? Do you already? Are you a vlogger? Do you shy away from the camera and prefer your words to do the talking? I’d love to know where you’re at in the comments.

The post Community Discussion: How Much Video Do You Do? appeared first on ProBlogger.


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